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                Project case

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                Sit-stand workstation study


                The purpose of this study is to assess a number of different sit-stand equipment options and to better understand the potential benefit of standing at work. 


                We all know that leading a sedentary life is not good for us and we all get aches and pains from sitting too long. There's now research suggesting that the cumulative impact of sitting all day for years is associated with a range of health problems, from obesity to diabetes to cancer. Because the average office worker spends 5 hours and 41 minutes sitting each day at his or her desk, some describe the problem with a pithy new phrase that's undeniably catchy, if somewhat exaggerated: " Sitting is the new smoking." 

                All this might sound suspiciously like the latest health fad, and nothing more. But a growing body of research - conducted by James Levine and other scientists - confirms that a sedentary lifestyle appears to be detrimental in the long-term. 

                The solution, they say, isn't to sit for six hours at work and then head to gym afterward, because evidence suggests that the negative effects of extended sitting can't be countered by brief bouts of strenuous exercise. The answer is incorporating standing, pacing and other forms of activity into your normal day. 

                For most of us, this alternating between sitting and standing can be incorporated naturally into our day by getting up regularly from our desks and taking plenty of short breaks. These sit-stand desks of ThinkWise are one good way to help people achieve this regular change in posture. 

                - Step one is get up. 

                - Step two is learn to get up more often. 

                - Step three is, once you're up, move! 

                How to use Sit-stand workstation? 

                The jury is still out on exactly how long and how often you should spend standing - but the key is to change regularly. 

                Our sit-stand workstation is designed to move you smoothly and comfortably between the sitting and standing position. 

                Begin by trying to spend 10-20 minutes every hour in the standing position. 

                Once you master this, try standing for 2 minutes every 20 minutes. 

                A study found that the standers burn, on average, 50 more calories per hour. 

                We also know that standing up for long periods and working at simply standing height benches is not good for us either leading to postural issues and sore joints. So do still try and sit down for parts of your day.